Raw Materials
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Raw Materials Werbeplakat
Raw Materials
Datum:Fr 29.11.19 Uhrzeit:23:59 Uhr - 05:00 Uhr
Location:Disco ZWEI Stadt:Mannheim
Veranstalter: Disco Zwei Kategorie:Party/Club

Karteninfo:keine Angabe

weitere Infos:
[SIREN | London(UK)]

[Raw Materials]

"Always digging for the darker shades of the electronic realm, the techno elf from London chooses her raw materials very carefully. By fusing pulsating techno with hard, broken rhythms and refining the blend with deep droning noisescapes, she creates an alloy that can disrupt the space-time continuum. And right there, in the middle of nothingness and everything, is where we meet: Celebrating. Now!" - Albert.

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