Sirens #7
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Sirens #7 Werbeplakat
Sirens #7
Datum:Fr 22.11.19 Uhrzeit:23:59 Uhr - 05:00 Uhr
Location:Disco ZWEI Stadt:Mannheim
Veranstalter: Disco Zwei Kategorie:Party/Club

Karteninfo:keine Angabe

weitere Infos:
🚨 Krampf ( Casual Gabberz / Live From Earth)

🚨 QUALIATIK (UNSEELIE / Psychoid Devices)


🚨 XOF (OXYORANGE / Sirens)

The New York based musician just released their Debut Ep «Discarnate» in June and is tirelessly touring Europe the last month. Their Music and accompanying visuals are creating worlds of lucid, somewhat hallucinatory experiences influenced by the artists intense creative process. Qualiatik’s work is multi-faceted and strongly conceptual with them also sketching concept-drawings for Music-Videos to create a unique world of their own.

The Parisian Producer, Audio Engineer and DJ is part of the french collective «Casual Gabberz» and Berlin’s «Live from Earth» where he released his 2019 EP «What Is A DJ If He Can‘t Care». His musical output is rooted in Gabber & Frapcore (French Rap + Hardcore) but never scared to stray away from the norm and incorporate unexpected elements or experiment with different concepts altogether.
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