Raw Materials
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Raw Materials Werbeplakat
Raw Materials
Datum:Fr 25.10.19 Uhrzeit:23:59 Uhr - 05:00 Uhr
Location:Disco ZWEI Stadt:Mannheim
Veranstalter: Disco Zwei Kategorie:Party/Club

Karteninfo:keine Angabe
DJ:Rrrkrta, Albert

weitere Infos:
“Infamous and admired in equal measure - Rrrkrta and his label Brutaż are an integral part of the polish underground. Equipped with a healthy DIY Attitude and a vision, he is always trying to push peoples expectations of how a proper club night should sound and feel. He is an expert at finding the most exciting dance music for cheap. Scouring the 1€ bins wherever he goes, he digs up the bangers you didn't even know existed.” - Albert.

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Disco ZWEI
T6, 14
68161 Mannheim
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